dog brain

Small changes

Yesterday I got an mp3 player and unsubscribed from Spotify. I was genuinely worried -- I still weirdly am -- about cancelling it. What if I need to listen to something? What if I lose all the music I've found? What if I can't access Spotify exactly at that moment, but I have to because if I don't my whole family will suffer?

I gotta remind myself it's fine. I don't need it. I have music at home, it's better, and I love it. I lived most of my life without Spotify and it was a lot of fun. And silence is fine. Silence is great.

I listened to a whole OST today, one I assumed that Spotify didn't have all of because I haven't heard half of it for y e a r s. But Spotify does have the whole thing; I only have two songs liked so I get a semi-regular little taste of it on my playlist and forget the rest. The rest is fuckin wonderful and the whole OST works beautifully together. The speaker I bought like 2 years ago can finally get some attention too.

Then I deleted Amazon. Now I can't look up 'if there's a thing for/like that' everytime I have a thought. It's saved me a lot of pointless scrolling time already. Jesus I didn't know I looked at it that much.

I started scrolling and reading other shit in its place, but... like at least it was a book, some blogs, and a forum instead of scrolling Spotify and Amazon? Small steps.

I left my phone at home when I walked the dog, and just listened to the mp3 player. At first I had the immediate urge to check my phone everytime the scenery became familiar, or when someone else was walking nearby, but after a little while it became kinda freeing to not have the option. Just the music, scenery, and dog, and 0 way for anything outside of the immediate area to disturb that.